Quillbot Evaluation

igor vasic
3 min readFeb 18, 2022

Is Quillbot the optimal API for rewriting, summarizing, and paraphrasing text?

Can Quillbot save you time when it comes to rewriting phrases or paragraphs as part of your content strategy?

Our quillbot review will examine the API tool’s ability to pass Copyscape and plagiarism tests.

What exactly is Quillbot?

QuillBot is a content rewriting tool that assists users in rewriting text. The website is attractive and straightforward, and the drop-down thesaurus is quite handy. Quillbot’s paraphrase tool effortlessly rewords your articles and phrases.

Millions of people worldwide rely on QuillBot’s paraphrasing tool to rewrite phrases, paragraphs, and essays using state-of-the-art artificial intelligence.

Simple paraphrasing

Quillbot simplifies the process of content reorganization.

When you communicate the meaning of something written or said in a new way, particularly to gain better clarity, this is called paraphrasing. Consider the following manual method of paraphrasing content:

The rewriting of a particular portion of text is a simple process that may be accomplished using the quillbot tool.

Chrome Extension for Quillbot

The QuillBot Chrome Extension’s paraphrase tool utilizes cutting-edge artificial intelligence to rewrite a sentence, paragraph, or article. QuillBot can rapidly enhance your writing by removing superfluous words and assisting you in delivering a clear message.

Premium Quillbot

QuillBot Premium is a paraphrasing tool that rewords and restructures chosen text using machine learning.

It works similarly to a full-sentence thesaurus, with users just right-clicking a statement and selecting “Launch QuillBot” to reword it.

Users may then modify the result and insert it into their documents through the side panel.

A registered account and premium membership are essential to use this add-in and may be bought at:

QuillBot Premium can help you shave more than half an hour off your writing time.

With a higher character limit (up to 10,000 characters at a time — 3 pages), two extra writing modes (Suggestive and Concision), and access to the word flipper’s highest level, you’ll save time and rapidly enhance your writing.

Alternatives to Quillbot

Following our study on Article Rewriters, we’ve compiled a list of Quillbot alternatives:

  • REF-N-WRITE Scholarly Rephrase Tool
  • Rewordify Text Simplification Tool
  • Simplish Rewording Tool
  • Article Rewriter
  • Simplifier from SEOtoolzz
  • Paraphrasing-tool.com
  • GoParaphrase.com
  • Online Rephrasing Tool

If you’re interested in learning more about the Top Sentence Rewriter and Sentence Rewriter Tools, this page summarizes what each tool does.

Alternatively, this post on Comparing the Best Article Rewriters, Rephrase Tools, and Reword Tools compares the APIs.

Is Quillbot Capable of Human-Level Competence?

Quillbot’s major objective is to develop artificial intelligence capable of paraphrasing at the human level.

The team’s intentions and objectives are admirable, and CEO Rohan Gupta has said that it is more of a full-sentence thesaurus.

As a result, loading whole articles to be rewritten will not function, and even loading paragraphs will need double-checking for proper reading.

What Qualifies Quillbot as the Best?

There are several commercial paraphrase applications that provide inline word substitution options.

These article rewriters provide multiple alternative choices for each word, which are encased in curly brackets.

For example, surfacing, flooring, and flooring.

These tools work by substituting other words for the original ones while maintaining the same phrase structure.

Quillbot uses artificial intelligence to reword words in order to avoid plagiarism detection and provide original content styles.

When you use progressive optimization to expand your content, the quillbot takes care of all the hard labor for you.


Quillbot is capable of rewriting academic text to conform to academic writing norms.There are other effective rephrasing tools available, but Quillbot was our preferred option for usage inside our workflows.The goal statement of the quillbot team towards altering the way you write is as follows:

QuillBot is creating cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies to make writing effortless. We were created on the notion that information acquisition and application are more enjoyable than the more humdrum components of writing. The QuillBot team hopes to continue that objective by automating those activities and freeing you to concentrate on what you write rather than how you should write it.

The QuillBot article rewriter’s output replaces certain terms with synonyms, and the text may be made shorter than the original.

This is rather remarkable since the text’s meaning is kept without the inclusion of any grammatical errors.

Because those highlighted snippets are attracted to brief writing, quilling your response summary is a proven technique to get those snippets.



igor vasic

Normally I like writing my personal closest subjects like stories about anxiety phobias and fear. I am just trying to help others to feel relief once they read